
September 7th, 2023: Courtney Casale and Dr. Ryssa Moffat’s released a external pagepreprint called “Aesthetic evaluation of body movements shaped by embodiment and arts experience: Insights from behaviour and fNIRS”. This work examines how experience with the arts (dance, painting, music, theatre) and bodily expertise influence our aesthetic perceptions of body movements, both at the level of behaviour and brain activity.  

September 6th, 2022: Dr. Ryssa Moffat and Prof. Emily Cross posted a external pagepreprint reporting how individual differences between people shape how we clearly we see synchrony in body movements and how much we enjoy that synchrony. The preprint is titled “Evaluations of dyadic synchrony: Observers’ traits influence quantification and enjoyment of synchrony in mirror-game movements”.

July 19th, 2023: Dr. Ryssa Moffat, Courtney Casale and Prof. Emily Cross released external pagea new preprint titled: “Mobile fNIRS for exploring inter-brain synchrony across generations and time”. This preprint provides perspectives on how fNIRS (non-invasive mobile neuroimaging) can grant us insight into the development and importance of intergenerational relationships.

July 17th, 2023: Dr. Ionela Bara external pagereleased a reprint titled: “The Role of Art Knowledge Training on Aesthetic Judgements and Executive Functions”. This research work shines new light on the cognitive systems that support art knowledge and the generalisation of knowledge to new contexts.

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