Research and Thesis Projects

Interested in joining us?

Myriad opportunities exist for getting involved in the Professorship for Social Brain Sciences’ research, whether for a short stint or a longer term engagement. We are a diverse, fun, and energetic bunch, who welcome all comers to join in the social neuroscience and social robotics party! Opportunities to get involved include, but are not limited to:


At this stage, we are only able to welcome interns who wish to stay for 3 months or longer, for whom a research internship is a mandatory component of their degree. Depending on lab availability, where you are coming from, and how long you want to stay, we will be in touch about the following steps. If you are interested, please download this Download application form (PDF, 94 KB), follow all instructions, and return the completed application form (including your current CV) as one PDF document to our Fennella Symes. Contact our Office Manager Claudia Boschung with any further procedural questions.

Undergrad or master thesis projects

Thesis projects are frequently available under the supervision of Dr. Richard Ramsey or Prof. Emily Cross. Typically, you would work closely with PhD/postdoc scholars in the lab to gain rich, hands-on research experience. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Richard Ramsey or Prof. Emily Cross directly.

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